Artwork Guidelines
Our graphics department will accept your logos and artwork in vector or bitmap format, however
vector format is preferred.
Vector format – We currently support Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) and Adobe Illustrator
(.ai) files (Abode Illustrator 10 or below).
Bitmap format – We support all widely-used bitmap formats, including .tif, .bmp,
.gif, and .jpg files. Resolution should be no less than 600 dpi. Resolutions less
than 600 dpi at 100% can be used, though the logo or artwork might become blurry. When scanning
your logo or artwork use the largest size available – small logos are difficult to reproduce accurately.
Low resolution images, photocopies, faxes, Polaroid pictures and any unauthorized use of
corporate logos are not acceptable forms of art and type.
We reserve the right to rework your art to make it compatible with the programs and the processes
used in the creation of your award.
This artwork can be sent as: CD, Zip 100, 3.5” floppy disk, by email attachments (not embedded
but attached to the email) or uploaded during customization process.
If you’re not digital-savvy – don’t worry! Send your art by mail and our graphics department
will recreate your art in a digital format ready to make your award special and unique.
For questions regarding artwork guidelines please contact us.